About Us

About Us

The Bay Area Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) is a congestion management program implemented by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (MTC SAFE), the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the California Highway Patrol (CHP). FSP drivers rove the freeways during hours of peak congestion, providing quick and efficient response to incidents. FSP reduces helps reduce recurrent congestion, thereby increasing motorist safety and decreasing auto emissions. The FSP Program reduces auto carbon emissions by approximately 67,000 tons anually. The FSP program augments the Bay Area Call Box and 511 Freeway Assist Programs. The FSP program keeps our air clean, motorists safe, and the Bay Area moving. .

Fleet Profile

The FSP program takes pride in our fleet and our drivers. Our drivers experience extensive training quarterly from CHP and know how to keep you safe on the freeway. The program currently consists of 78 trucks patrolling over 575 miles of Bay Area freeways. FSP generally runs between 5:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. (see map schedule for details). Weekend service is provided in Napa, Berkeley as well as seasonally along Highway 17, and in some locations on Sunday.


FSP vehicles are equipped for nearly any contingency. In addition to the standard auto repair and towing equipment, they carry five gallons of diesel fuel, five gallons of unleaded gasoline, and five gallons of water, as well as an external speaker and public address system. Our drivers change tires, provide quick repairs, and push or tow motorists to safety free of charge. They also clear debris from the road and assist CHP with incidents.


The FSP Program is funded by federal, state, and local money. SB1 gas tax funding is allowed expansion of the program in 2017. Local funds come from the MTC SAFE, which is financed by $1 of every vehicle registration in participating counties. The service costs approximately $15 million a year to operate. Another $1 million is invested in sophisticated communications equipment, including an automatic vehicle location system that improves partner agencies’ ability to dispatch efficiently and improve service quality through the close monitoring of our fleet.

MTC solicits bids for FSP beats every two years. If you are interested in participating in the next procurement process, please contact Giovanni DiFabio at 415.778.5233.

FSP In The News